Mary E. Rasenberger at CSUSA’s “Registration and Recordation in the 21st Century”
On Saturday, February 4, (from 12:30pm to 1:30pm), CDAS Partner Mary E. Rasenberger will be at The Copyright Society of the USA’s 2012 Mid-Winter Meeting in L.A. on the panel with the Copyright Office entitled Registration and Recordation in the 21st Century. The panel addresses the future of registration and recordation and related goals of
Broadcastr at Dealmakers Summit 2012
The annual DeSilva+Phillips Media Dealmakers Summit 2012, now in its tenth year, will be held Thursday, February 2 at the Pierre Hotel in New York City. Last year, over 250 attendees, representing a combined $85 billion in 2010 M&A transactions, attended the summit. This year Andy Hunter and Scott Lindenbaum, co-founders of Broadcastr will be
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Meet Math & Science Prodigy Jake Barnett
After some time auditing college level physics courses by night, math prodigy Jake Barnett soon dropped-out… of elementary school. He was 8 years-old. At age 12 he was doing paid scientific research, and today he is a straight-A honors college sophomore lecturing crowds at his university science symposium. Jake is now 13 years-old. To help
Mary E. Rasenberger at 21st Century Copyright Gone Wild
CDAS Partner Mary E. Rasenberger will be speaking at Columbia Law this Thursday, January 26, from 12:10pm to 1:20pm on a panel entitled “21st Century Copyright Gone Wild: New Terms for Works in the Public Domain, Trying to Stop Foreign Peer-to-Peer Websites & So Much More!” The event, co-hosted by two Columbia Law School student
Robert J. Epstein at the Midem Music Conference, Cannes
The annual global music conference Midem takes place in Cannes from Saturday January 28 through Tuesday January 31. This global conference brings together nearly 7,000 participants, and approximately 1000 companies, including labels, publishers, artists, distributors and many others from over 77 countries. CDAS Special Counsel Robert J. Epstein will attend. Tweet Follow Print Article Print
Al J. Daniel on Copyright Law and Its Basic Concepts
CDAS Partner Al J. Daniel is a panelist at the Copyright Law Committee’s Law Clerks Copyright Seminar entitled Copyright Law and Its Basic Concepts, Wednesday, January 25, 6pm — 9pm, at the City Bar at 42 West 44th Street, NYC. The program will overview the key concepts in copyright law in the U.S., including how
Is Your Business In Compliance With The Wage Theft Prevention Act?
Under a recently enacted New York statute, the Wage Theft Prevention Act (WTPA), all private sector New York employers are required to provide all employees performing work in New York a written notice advising them of their wage/salary rate. These written notices are due on or before February 1, 2012. Background In December 2010, Governor
Viacom v. YouTube/Google: How Red Must a Red Flag Be?
Update: In an update to the below, on Thursday, April 5, 2012, the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals revived and remanded the case to a lower court, instructing the district judge to determine if YouTube had knowledge or awareness of specific infringing material and whether it willfully blinded itself to that specific knowledge. Please
Golden Globe Nomination for Client Sofia Vergara
Frederick P. Bimbler and all of us congratulate client Sofia Vergara on her Golden Globe nomination for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television. The announcement came the day after her Screen Actors Guild nomination for Oustanding Female Actor in a Comedy Series.
Mary E. Rasenberger on Panel Discussing the Google Books Settlement
In March, the proposed settlement between Google and book publishers and authors over Google’s book scanning and book search programs, was rejected. On November 30, at the 2011 Conference on Copyright and Technology, a panel of legal experts including CDAS Partner Mary E. Rasenberger considered the unanswered questions that decision left behind. Click here to