Copyright on the Wild Side

It’s been theorized that if you give a million monkeys a million typewriters, they will eventually produce the entire collected works of William Shakespeare. It’s been proven, however, that if a troupe of monkeys steals a camera, one will eventually take a really good selfie. By now you’ve probably heard this story, but just in

The Future of Video

By Simon N. Pulman Consumption of online video continues to grow at a rapid pace. Online video ad revenue is projected to reach nearly $5 billion in 2016, while premium streaming video distributors including Netflix, Hulu Plus and Yahoo are stepping up their licensing and commissioning of original content. Most industry observers believe that online

Native Advertising Basics

By Simon N. Pulman The use of “native advertising” online has grown at a considerable pace over the past two years, with some studies projecting that it could account for five billion dollars in spending by 2017 – far outpacing the growth of traditional online display ads. Such is the economic (and some might say

Video Game Cases May Break New Right Of Publicity Ground

Note: This blog is cross-posted from with permission of Portfolio Media, Inc. A lawsuit filed in California Superior Court has taken video game right-of-publicity cases beyond college athletes and Hollywood celebrities. Former Central American despot Manuel Noriega, from his prison cell in Panama, is suing Blizzard/Activision over Activision’s portrayal of Noriega in its highly

CDAS Partner Eleanor M. Lackman Ranked as Leading Lawyer in Chambers 2014 USA Guide

Cowan DeBaets Abrahams & Sheppard LLP is pleased to announce that partner Eleanor M. Lackman was recognized by the prestigious and client-focused Chambers as among just 41 New York lawyers ranked as a “Leading Individual” in the field of “Intellectual Property: Trade Mark and Copyright” in the 2014 edition of Chambers’ Leading Lawyers for Business guide.

Producing Content in Emerging Markets

By Simon N. Pulman As the marketplace for entertainment content becomes increasingly global and the middle classes in the BRICS nations (i.e., Brazil, China, Russia, India and South Africa) become both larger and equipped with greater disposable income, content owners of all kinds are looking exploit their intellectual properties in international markets. As part of

Sudden Death in Overtime

In a decision that has been met with considerable praise and controversy, on June 18, 2014, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the United States Patent and Trademark Office ordered the cancellation of six U.S. federal trademark registrations owned by the NFL’s Washington Redskins on the grounds that the use of the term “redskins”

Judging a Juice by its Label

In POM Wonderful LLC v. The Coca-Cola Company, the US Supreme Court resolved much of the uncertainty surrounding the intersection of unfair competition claims under the Lanham Act relating to food labels and the strictures of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA).  These two federal statutes cross paths in cases where a food

Symposium: Preferring substance over form and nature over manner, Supreme Court finds that Aereo runs afoul of the purposes of the Copyright Act

CDAS partner Eleanor M. Lackman was featured as a guest writer for the Supreme Court of the United States Blog. Her post, “Symposium: Preferring substance over form and nature over manner, Supreme court finds that Aereo runs afoul of the purposes of the Copyright Act,” can be found below and on