NFL Beats Infringement Claim for Use of Ravens Logo in Historical Film and Exhibit

In the latest installment of the saga involving the use of the retro Baltimore Ravens “Flying B” logo, the Fourth Circuit affirmed a district court decision in Bouchat v. Baltimore Ravens Ltd. P’ship, ruling that the incidental use of the team’s logo in NFL Network videos about the history of the Ravens franchise and players,

Effie Film v. Murphy: Second Victory for Emma Thompson Film

In February, we discussed Effie Film, LLC v. Pomerance, in which the Southern District of New York held that the Emma Thompson scripted film Effie did not infringe upon the copyrights in two screenplays by another writer on a similar historical subject. The upcoming film won another victory in the Southern District this week in

Court Green Lights Emma Thompson’s “Effie”

In Effie Film, LLC v. Eve Pomerance (11–CIV–7087 (JPO)), the court granted Effie Film, LLC’s motion on the pleadings and found that its upcoming film did not infringe upon the copyrights in two screenplays by Eve Pomerance on a similar historical subject. In addition to paving the way for the Emma Thompson-written film Effie to