Assembly Bill 168’s Impact on Hollywood
As of January 1, 2018, Assembly Bill 168, a new California law prohibiting employers (including movie and television studios) from asking potential employees for their salary history, went into effect. The new law prohibits the following: (1) Relying on the salary history information of an applicant for employment as a factor in determining whether to
Who’s Punch Line Is It Anyway? Jokes Are Potentially Copyrightable, Says the U.S. Copyright Office.
For the many everyday citizens who have no recollection of when the New England Patriots won Super Bowl XLIX against the Seattle Seahawks after a “questionable” play call, comedy blogger Robert “Alex” Kaseberg’s (“Kaseberg”) saves the day. Thanks to his witty remarks, and the legal controversy that subsequently unfolded, the world may never forget. Kaseberg
#FyreFestival, the Music Festival that Never Was
Fyre festival, vigorously promoted by “social media influencers” such as Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, and Emily Ratajkowski as a “luxury” music festival with tickets ranging in price from $1,200 to over $100,000 per person, was scheduled to take place over two weekends in April and two weekends in May on the “private” Bahamian island of